Thursday, June 18, 2009

Tanner - 5 Weeks Old

Tanner keeps getting bigger everyday! He's continued to be a pretty good eater, when he's not really gassy and uncomfortable. He's sleeping good at nights, too, just getting up once usually, although he has done a couple all-nighters (which I was grateful for). I have the boys sleeping in the same room and it's actually been working out pretty well. Treyden almost never wakes up when Tanner cries. Tanner smiled for the first time at 4 weeks. He's only done it a couple times since, but they have definitely been real smiles and not just gas. I'm excited to see him start to respond a little more.

I was trying to get a picture of Tanner smiling, but this was the best I could get him to do. Just enough to show he's thinking about it, but not enough to actually smile.

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