Sunday, April 13, 2008


We love camping, and always can't wait for it to warm up enough to go. With the weather starting to get warmer, we decided to go down to Moab this weekend. We just went down Friday, camped that night, and then spent all day Saturday there before coming home Saturday night. It was Treyden's first camping experience, plus his first time riding in the car for longer than an hour, so we were nervous about how he would do, but he did awesome! It got down to 28 degrees Friday night! Luckily we were prepared and we all stayed nice and warm. Saturday we did some hiking for about 5 miles, and some four-wheeling in the Durango to see Gemini Bridges. It didn't get too warm, but warm enough we all came home with sunburns. It was such a fun trip, and it so pretty down there!

All bundled up to stay warm during the night.

On our hike

On the hike. Treyden has about had it.

Veiw of Gemini Bridges from the bottom.

At the bottom of Gemini Bridges


JackieSue said...

Oh my goodness, I had so much catching up to do on your blog! - and everyone elses! But I have to say after seeing all the pictures I've missed this far that Treyden is sooooo dang cute!! He totally seems a mix of the both of you to me. He's darling!! I love the pics of him smiling. So fun! I'm so happy for you guys!

Anonymous said...

You are braver than I am. Jake and I have never gone camping together and our excuse has always been the kids. I can't imagine taking them. And by the way you look really great. I'm still working on the 40 extra pounds I gained with my first.