Monday, November 10, 2008

A new surprise!

So, we are excited to announce that Treyden is going to be a big brother!I am due May 24th, so I am 12 weeks along. It was quite the surprise for us, as they will only be 15 months apart, but after waiting 3 years for Treyden, we are excited to be having another one. So far everything looks good and healthy, and I haven't been TOO sick, mostly just really tired. Sometimes I get overwhelmed and can't believe we are doing this again already, but as much fun as Treyden has been, we are excited to be adding more of that joy to our home.


Brenna said...

Shiree I am SO happy for you guys. That is such wonderful news. 15 months apart means that they will be good little friends to each other. Thanks for sharing this exciting announcement!

Rigby High Class of 2002 said...

Congrats Shiree! That is wonderful wonderful wonderful!!! You will be so perfect at that - 15 months apart seems just right!

Michelle and Mitch said...

I am so excited for you!!!! Kids are the BEST!!!! Let me know if I can do anything for you!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. Hope it all goes well for you!

Anonymous said...

congrats! so happy for you guys!

The McOmbers said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I'm so excited for ya. You need a girl...girls are so fun! Your family is so stinkin' cute! Glad to see you guys are doing so well. Good luck with everything!

Unknown said...

WOW! CONGRATS! that is awesome!

The Beesley Family said...

HOLY COW!!!! Go Applegarths! Chris says "Alright Andy!" CONGRATS you guys!

Husband and wife team... said...

I am so excited for you guys, children are the greatest!! Savanna and the twins are 15 months apart and I love it!! It does make for some crazy times though. keep me up dated on how everything is going...that means you need to up date your blog!! :) Good luck with everything!! By the way your little boy is so cute!!!

Mark and Heidi Romer said...

Shiree, You are the sweetest thing!!! I can't believe you remembered my birthday after all these years. Thanks so much! Good luck with the new one, you are probably the best mom ever!