Tanner Richard was born on May 12th at 1:26pm. He weighed 8 lb 2 oz and was 20.5 inches long. He has been a really good baby so far, and an awesome eater (tons better than Treyden was, thank goodness!). We are so blessed to have our 2 little boys!
We were lucky enough to only stay one night at the hospital. My mom had come down from Idaho the day Tanner was born, and it was such a blessing to have her here. Treyden was able to sleep in his own bed. We had yummy meals every night. The house was clean, plus it was just fun to have her company. My dad was able to come down for a night, too, and it was great having the both of them here and seeing Treyden play with them. We are blessed with such great family! Andy was able to be home all week, too, and that was such a blessing! He was so great to keep Treyden entertained and help in the night, too. Plus he got a lot of projects done around the yard while he was home. He set up sprinkler systems in my garden and flower beds and built a big sandbox for Treyden.
The first couple of nights were pretty rough as Tanner adjusted to being at home, but the last few nights he's only been getting up twice. Treyden has adjusted really well, too. At first he could care less one way or the other, but now he absolutely loves him and will not leave him alone. He is constantly trying to give him "loves", or shove the binky in his mouth, or "clean" his face off with a wipe, or push him in the swing, or pile toys or a blanket on top of him. I have to constantly be watching him, but I'm glad that so far he loves his little brother and isn't jealous of him.
So I went in for a doctor's appointment on Monday the 11th and was still at about 3 cm but I was 80-90% effaced. The doctor stripped my membranes and said he wouldn't be surprised if he saw me before I was scheduled to be induced the following Monday. Andy and I were both really hoping that I would go into labor that night. I had been anxious anyway, but I had gotten a lot done (grocery shopping, laundry, etc.) and it was just good timing for me. Andy was also at a good stopping place at work. Lucky for us during the night I started having contractions. By about 4:45 am they had been every 4 minutes about for about an hour. They really weren't painful so I debated waking Andy up yet, but the doctor had said if they were 3-5 minutes apart for an hour to go to the hospital, plus I know with Treyden that once my water broke I progressed very rapidly and although that was an induction I didn't want to risk the same thing happening while I was still at home. So I woke Andy up, and the first thing he asked was if he could shower first. So he showered while I got a few things ready to go. I have never seen Andy so awake and happy so early in the morning before. He was pretty excited. We took Treyden over to Andy's parents' and then got to the hospital about 6:00am. They checked me at the hospital and said that where I hadn't progressed any since my doctor's appointment the day before they were going to wait an hour to see if I progressed at all before admitting me. Where the doctor had stripped my membranes they said that sometimes you can have contractions without really being in labor. I was pretty upset about this because I did NOT want to be sent home. Luckily after an hour I had dilated to 4 cm so I was there to stay. By this point I was ready for my epidural as soon as they could give it to me. After an hour or so I got really nauseated and threw up, and in the middle of throwing up my water broke. By about 12:45pm I was dilated to 9cm and they called the doctor. The doctor came, I pushed twice, through one contraction, and Tanner was here! He weighed 8 lb 2 oz and was 20.5 inches long. I am so grateful to have such easy labors and to have 2 healthy boys!
38 Weeks Prego (2 days before Tanner was born)
Just waiting...and enjoying the epidural!
Dad giving Tanner his first bath
This was Andy's bed at the hospital. I think he was glad we only stayed one night.
I am loving this nice weather we are having! Although, I need a storm to come...don't they say a lot more people go into labor when there's a storm? I am ready! When I went to the doctor on Monday he said that I'm dilated to almost a 3, and 60% effaced. Too bad that's not a guarantee I'll be having a baby soon! It's kind of a mean trick because with Treyden I didn't progress that much before I was induced, so it's getting my hopes up that I could have a baby soon, but the doctor says that means I could go into labor any day or not for a couple weeks still. At the very least the doctor scheduled me to be induced on Monday the 18th, so only just over a week to go!
I love this picture! Treyden loves his dad and wants to be anywhere he is (especially if it's outside). This was them playing basketball the other day. I love my boys and can't wait to add another one to the family!
We took the activity day girls to the temple today to take their pictures. This is Treyden sitting patiently enjoying his snacks while he waits for us to finish. It was such a nice day outside and he was so good. I am so grateful for the temple!
Andy & I have been married for almost 7 years. We live in Riverton, Utah where we have been for 5 years, and love it here. Andy works as a software developer for the LDS Church, and his office is only 2 miles away! We love having him so close. I work from home running my own vinyl lettering and digital design businesses. We have two wonderful little boys - Treyden & Tanner.