Thursday, February 5, 2009

Baby Boy #2

We had quite the experience on Thanksgiving Day while we were in Idaho. I was 15 weeks, and started bleeding suddenly, so we ended up getting an ultrasound. Luckily everything was okay with the baby, and I haven't had any problems since, but the positive thing from it all was that we were able to find out we are having another little boy! We didn't expect to be able to see anything (or not see anything) that soon, but luckily we could. It was a great way to turn a scary experience into a positive one. We are so excited for Treyden to have a little brother! I'm almost 25 weeks now, and things are still looking good. The baby is healthy and doing great. I just get anxious at times to be done being pregnant! Don't get me wrong, I am SO grateful to be having another baby, especially after the experiences we had trying to have Treyden, but with only having a 5 or 6 month break in between pregnancies, I feel like I have been pregnant FOREVER! Luckily I seem to have pretty easy pregnancies, though, and don't get too sick.

Ultrasound of the baby at 19 weeks.

We are having a hard time coming up with a name that we both like. I really like the name Tanner, but Andy's not a fan. And he likes...well...good question, he won't suggest any names! It's hard because we had so long while we were waiting for Treyden that we were prepared with names, but this time we already used up our boy names, and are struggling coming up with anything else. So, if anyone has any suggestions, we'd be happy to hear them! Make sure you don't suggest anything you wouldn't want us to use, though! I know a lot of you are pregnant with little boys yourselves!

1 comment:

Michelle and Mitch said...

I'm glad that everyting is going good now. If you need anything let me know. I still need you number since I fried my phone. Oops!! Talk to you later.